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And this, in turn, leads to a disruption in the strength and rhythm of contractions of the smooth muscle cells of the intestinal wall - that is, in fact, this is a violation of peristalsis.

As can be seen from all of antivert pills, everything in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (in fact, like any other system of the body) is very interconnected. It is logical - the evacuation function of the intestines is disrupted and all undigested food remains begin to accumulate in the intestines. Naturally, the histological structure of this organ is such that it allows it to stretch and remain in this state for some time, but the problem is that if patency is impaired, it will have to remain in this state almost constantly. This is where pathological elongation of the intestine occurs - the so-called dolichocolon. And this process predominantly affects the sigmoid and colon for the reason that it is these sections of the gastrointestinal tract that are responsible for ensuring the accumulation of undigested food residues, which are prepared for further excretion from the body.

Moreover, dolichocolon is far from the worst consequence of intestinal obstruction. Due to the fact that chyme of an excessively hard consistency will accumulate in the dilated intestine, the formation of fecal stones is possible, which will have a traumatic effect on the intestinal wall and after a certain period of time can cause rupture of the intestinal wall, with subsequent release of the contents into the sterile abdominal cavity and development of peritonitis. Consequences of improperly performed bowel cleansing in adults.

Without a doubt, cleansing the intestines is a good thing, but it requires strict indications according to buy antivert online this procedure is really necessary. Colon cleansing should only be done after you have consulted with your doctor. And people who have nothing to do with medicine, having read all kinds of literaturePeople who carry very unreliable information begin to cleanse their intestines almost every day. Understand correctly, each cleansing session is an additional burden and irritation of the intestinal wall. As a result, if this activity is carried out excessively intensively, the intestines will simply stretch and retain new, non-physiological dimensions, because in fact, the load on the internal organs of a person is carried out incredibly intensely (you simply can’t even imagine what kind of pressure the accumulated stool).

It’s the same with the diet - without a doubt, for the normal functioning of the intestines, the consumption of plant-based, coarse fiber foods is required, but vegetarianism is clearly overkill. The mechanism of action will be exactly the same as in the case of too frequent bowel cleansing - stretching the wall and disrupting the evacuation function. So everything is good in moderation - as one great thinker said.

How does dolichocolon manifest? What is most interesting is that this disease does not have a single pathognomonic syndrome (that is, one that would be characteristic only of this one pathology). This, of course, greatly complicates its diagnosis - for the reason that the symptoms characteristic of dolichocolon have a large number of diseases, one way or another associated with impaired patency and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The most characteristic symptoms will be the following.

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Constant constipation. Everything is quite understandable - due to a violation of the evacuation function and distension of antivert, there is an accumulation of digestive masses that should have been excreted.

Flatulence and bloating. Also, no additional explanation is required - the accumulation of waste and toxins in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract has the most adverse effect on the state of the digestive system. That is, in fact, flatulence and bloating are explained by the accumulation of gases that were not eliminated during the act of defecation. Constant, aching pain in the abdomen. It is very important to remember that dolichocolon very rarely simulates signs of an acute abdomen, and if this kind of symptomatology occurs (meaning sharp, paroxysmal, dagger-like pain in the abdomen, which significantly intensifies with pressure), then you should think about intestinal perforation and urgently hospitalize the patient.

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Psychoneurological symptoms. Naturally, this kind of disturbance, which continues over a long period of time, leads to increased excitability and irritability of the patient, which is reflected in his behavior.

Taking into account how intense the manifestations of this disease are, it is customary to buy meclizine online three stages - compensation, subcompensation and decompensation. The choice of the most optimal therapy depends on how severe the clinical case is. It should be understood that in any case, dolichocolon is already a consequence of some specific pathological process, which, one way or another, has already been occurring in the human body over a relatively long period of time. So even with the most, least pronounced manifestations of the disease (if, of course, there is confirmation of the presence of organic changes), it is necessary to use potent medications. In fact, it is necessary to remove the toxins that have accumulated in it from the intestines, along with undigested food debris that accumulate en masse in the intestinal lumen.

Of course, when drawing up patient management tactics (treatment of dolichocolon), it is necessary to pay attention to what cause dolichocolon has in a certain clinical case, however, as already mentioned above, in the vast majority of patients this problem occurs due to a violation of the intestinal evacuation function and excessive residence time of the chyme, which leads to stretching of the walls. Accordingly, treatment should be aimed at removing accumulated feces from the body.

It is important to understand that the human body is designed in such a way that, to a certain degree of impairment, there is the ability to independently regenerate and restore.

A diet that involves the consumption of foods enriched with insoluble fiber - that is, vegetables, fruits and bran bread - is, of course, necessary, but it alone will not be enough for effective treatment). It is necessary to use effective herbal remedies - for example, buckthorn bark (decoction) or picolax. If their use does not bring the desired result, then it will be necessary to cleanse the intestines with the help of synthetic drugs - we are talking about magnesia or fortrans. It is these drugs that have proven themselves to be the most effective in treatment.


Provided that normal intestinal patency is restored, and food masses no longer remain in the intestinal lumen for longer than expected and injure the wall, spontaneous shortening of the distended intestine is possible.

Conservative therapy of dolichocolon in adults (that is, treatment carried out with medications) can be carried out at home, but if it turns out to be insufficiently effective, hospitalization in a surgical hospital and surgical intervention are necessary. Most likely, a resection of a certain area of meclizine pills will be performed - actually removing fecal stones in another way is unlikely to be effective. The most important thing is to understand in time when drug treatment is not enough and it is time to apply surgical treatment, in order to avoid undesirable consequences. Dolichocolon is a fairly serious disease, which in most cases is a consequence of intestinal obstruction.

Most often, dolchicolon is an elongation of the sigmoid colon and its mesentery.

These changes are not accompanied by changes in the diameter of the lumen and muscular membrane. Therefore, as a rule, the motor function of the colon does not differ from normal. If motor function is impaired, then this is expressed by such characteristic signs as: bloating, abdominal pain, constipation. These symptoms may appear as early as early childhood. Upon examination, the doctor reveals moderate meclizine, pain on palpation (pressure) of the colon, and dilation of the sigmoid colon. The diagnosis is made by irrigoscopy or colonoscopy.